Swarm Prevention Presentation
This one is for my friends at the Mid-State NJ Beekeepers Association
On April 4th, I presented a talk on swarm prevention at the Rutgers Ecocomplex in Bordentown NJ. My goal for the presentation was to cover swarm prevention in a few ways
- Basics of a swarm
- What triggers a swarm
- What are indicators that a swarm is imminent
- and What takes place in the moments leading up to and after a swarm
For those that sat in, you’ll notice an update to the slide deck I presented. In the spot where I said what to do in your yard, the diagram didn’t quite portray the steps for relieving brood and storage congestion so I broke it out in the narrative and added a slide with a better representative image. These are the slides that say Damn It! š in case you were wondering which I’m speaking of.
To access a downloadable PDF of the slides click the link below.