69 entries.
I love the podcast. Very informative and engaging with a confident but open energy. I’ve been contemplating beekeeping for some time now. Reading, youtube and podcasts. When I landed on yours I was immediately drawn into your real life presentation of materials and processes. I like how you relate beekeeping into other aspects of your life’s journey. I find it engaging at a “whole human” level. Mind, body and spirit. These little insects that play a huge role in life on this planet are obviously respected by you. I will continue to listen for as long as you eill share. Thank you, Bryan
I have used those bee stands for about 3year and have put a lot of weight on them . They are amazing and we love the thanks so much for your bee stand plans
Love the podcast. I’m working on getting caught up from the being. Currently listening to episode 103 and waiting for your newest episode.
I wanted to thank you for your video on the angry hive. I went through something similar yesterday. One of my hives over wintered and although it was aggressive last year, it was even worse this spring. The stronger the colony got the more aggressive it became. I wanted to changeout my drone comb yesterday and had a similar situation. Bees were stinging me through my Leather bee gloves. I got as far as the first super and had to quit. They followed me across my yard and promptly attacked my dog.
I hate to do it but will likely follow your path on this.
My other two hives are gentle. I’m worried about the drones passing this on in the gene pool to other yards.
Great podcast with lots of good info. However, I have a problem with your somewhat recent episode about soapmaking. It's alarming to me that you would make one batch of soap and then begin telling your listeners all kinds of advice about making soap. You learned everything you know about soapmaking from one book and told your listeners to not look for soapmaking info on the internet. After making soap for over two decades, I can tell you that some of what you learned in that book is either questionable or downright wrong. Also, the internet is actually an excellent place to find good information on soapmaking. Making soap can cause some nasty injuries if the soapmaker doesn't know what he/she is doing or is careless, so I feel it would be wise to exercise some caution when telling people how to do something you have so little experience with yourself.
Just my two cents on that subject. Otherwise, I'm a big fan of your podcast.
Greetings from Albuquerque NM! I'm a big fan !!!!
Hello Kevin. I am really looking forward to your follow up poly episode. I am considering year round hives in the Paradise Bee Box 6 frames, but I prefer medium size for their weight. One issue with these poly boxes in medium is that they do not have the bottom plastic profile. I have contacted Paradise and they have no plans to add them at this time but said they would pass my request on to the design team.
My name is Carlos,
I would like to thank you for all the great advice. I listen to your Podcast daily.
I’m a new beekeeper, I got a top bar hive from a coworker. The hive needs lots of attention.
With lots of care and your invaluable Beekeeper's Corner recommendations, I will try my best so my bees will make it through the winter.
Best regards from a big fan of yours!
Carlos Lopez
We miss your podcasts! How are you doing? How are your bees? Here in Colorado bees are overwintering. Sporadic temps mean we've seen some recent flights, and had opportunities for oxalic vap treatments. I hope all is well and you are not too overwhelmed by work, etc. to keep at the podcasting thing. I keep waiting for the episode where you interview Huey about his new found love of beekeeping, now that he can't sing so much. Keep pushing out podcasts, we love them! Don't worry about over producing them, just post! Even a two beekeepers at a bar episode, in fact, those are some of my favorite! More Bob Kloss! More Landi Simone! I really enjoyed your To Treat or Not to Treat presentations, too. You have also been a huge inspiration to me, motivating me to enter my state's Master Beekeeping program(congrats, by the way), and experiment with different form factors, particularly for those with bad backs. This spring I plan on building a Warre' and coffin hive, to add to the experiences. I hope the mentoring program is going well. It was quite the aspiration, relying heavily on those experienced beekeepers in the club. As a member of my club(Mile Hive Bee Club) for about six years, I noticed the make-up is mostly newbees, with a few veterans. I hope your program can be successful and sustainable. Newbees need the support, even if they don't always realize it. Keep us updated!
Thanks again for all you do.
Bryan Zavada
Lakewood, CO
OUTSTANDING work on episode 161, "To Treat or Not to Treat." You took a complex topic and explored it fully and clearly tried to represent it from all sides. You asked many questions I often wonder about such as "where is the data on treatment free beekeeping?" and "Can you show sustained success over several seasons?" and "What is the implementation path to get to treatment free?" Your 5 points (good bees, isolation, good food...) I have all of those so I AM one of the lucky ones you speak about. And then... I could hardly believe it... you explained what the treatment free crowd never has been able to explain... how we can begin to approach treatment free. Thanks to YOU (a treatment guy) I feel I finally have the answer to how I can start to move to treatment free over time. Terrific job and good for you sticking your neck into this hotly contested debate. Wonderful job and thank you!
Re: Show 161 (Treatment Free). I think you did a very nice job at presenting the treatment free thoughts. Very unbiased. I like that you explained different degrees of treatment free, while covering the subject in depth. I consider myself "harsh chemical-free" not really treatment free but I do maintain a lot of that philosophy. Thank you for such a nice podcast. I look forward to each episode.
Regarding episode 155 (Puddle Swarm):
I caught a dry "puddle" swarm a few years ago. I poked my finger into the swarm looking for the queen. Somehow, I found her in less than a minute and put her in a cage. I put the cage on the top bar of a frame in a nuc. Her daughters promptly marched/flew into the nuc. My guess is that the ol' lady was too tired/heavy fly and settled onto the ground with her entourage following.
I suspect that the queen in your puddle warm did the same thing.
BTW, that queen worked out great, producing tons of very gentle and productive daughters.
Hey Kevin, I’m a backyard beekeeper in iowa with 4 hives. One hive is from Russian stock, 2 are Italian and one is a “mutt”. I have really appreciated all your effort to put out the podcasts. I’ve listened to most all of them and picked up lots of tips and learned things I haven’t came across any other place. Thanks for all you do! Stephanie
Hey Kevin,
I found your podcast when I was visiting my dads family in Newton, NJ and I have been hooked ever since. Thanks for all the hard work you do producing these episodes. My favorite episode is still when you and Bob were drinking beer hanging out in the bee yard watching the bees.
Kevin I finally listened in to your pod cast-after my friend told me about your review of the EAS class on wax. First off, thanks so much for your efforts with this podcast and all the organization around it! I was so happy to hear how much you enjoyed the wax class. It was part of a special day I organized on Excellence in Honey and Hive Products and in fact, Bob will be teaching a workshop in a few weeks up here with live demonstrations and actual candle making. I did want to share that he does in fact use metal molds too- the taper metal molds and he uses a special tool to carve out the bottom. Take care and best of luck in beekeeping.
Finished listening to episode 129 for the third time , getting ready for # 4 . Thank you for your time and talent.
Sincerely ,
Hi Kevin! I've been listening for quite some time and I enjoy having you as my 'mentor' of sorts. Your knowledge doesn't go to waste! I am located in central ontario where the weather is still below freezing. The bees fly on the rare warmer day but they should be coming out more soon. You asked about how we keep our bees warm in the winter and I use a product called a Hive Cozy. Its basically fibreglass insulation wrapped in uv treated thick black plastic. It works great to keep the heat inside. Keep up the amazing work!
Kevin, It was good to meet you at EAS last year. If you need I have the MB tests back to 2014. You most likely have them back farther than that as this is my first year beekeeping. Also, was told by a MB that the book "The Classroom" by Jerry Hayes is one that folks use to study for the MB exam. Best of luck.
Hello Kevin, Thank you for your videos and podcasts, I enjoy them very much. I'm also impressed with your organizational involvement within your region. Very inspiring!
After listening to #123(?) in particular comments about Mr. Parker presentation density of keepers in your/and his area and about your schedule to super in April intrigued me. I would never think to super in April, it can be our snowiest month. My bumper flow is always (and only) linden in late June and early July from nearby 70's suburban neighborhoods. Although a few miles away beekeepers have totally different flows. I was hoping you could go into your local bloom cycle/nectar periods.
With so many(?) area beekeepers you must have a long nectar season? Or great flows? Thanks it will be interesting to learn of your local.
I can't express how much I appreciate the time and effort that you put into your podcasts. I started beekeeping in 2012, which I think is about when you started your podcasts, and I have listened to all of them over the years. It's always a treat when I see a new podcast on my I-phone and I will listen to it at the next opportunity while traveling in my car with my work. Listening today I enjoyed hearing about your discovery of a surviving cluster in a hive that was not flying like the others on a recent warm day. I have six hives that I am trying to get through the winter, but only five of them were flying during the few 50 degree days we have had since the hard freeze over the holidays. We had a couple of 60 degree days last week and on the second 60 degree day the sixth hive was flying like the rest of them. I was assuming that that hive was killed by the cold and thought this activity was probably just the other hives robbing it out, but your story has given me some hope that that hive was just on a different schedule for breaking cluster for some reason. We'll see come Spring when I can do an inspection. Keep up the good work.