Will a colony build comb in July?
Running a bit of experiment to see if the bees will draw out some wax foundation – even when the spring nectar flow has come to a close.
Running a bit of experiment to see if the bees will draw out some wax foundation – even when the spring nectar flow has come to a close.
A video that shows that sometimes if you leave honeycomb with resources in the open, it will inducing a robbing frenzy.
POSTED JUL 16, 2023LENGTH 1:52:00 EPISODE LINK – CLICK / TAP TO LISTEN Episode #225 – Two and a Quarter SYNOPSIS: Local Hive Report, Mite Biters, Poly Hive Trouble, Stinger Engineering, Summer Queen Failures, Hive Life Troubles, Northern Lights Conference, Sequestering Drones, Hive Work With Bob Kloss EPISODE GUIDE Agenda 00:00 – 00:23 | Opening: Opening…
A quick video pointing out some distinctions about observing activity at the entrance – and determining if the bees are flying orientation flights, or is it a robbing event.
Showing a failed swarm that moved into a swarm trap. The colony did not manifest a new queen and it was reviewed in a state where it has laying workers.
This colony did not have an operational queen on the last two inspections. The video of the hive inspection was to look into the status of the colony to assess if it needed a queen or not.
POSTED JUL 02, 2023LENGTH 1:12:00 EPISODE LINK – CLICK / TAP TO LISTEN Episode #224 – Fortune Teller SYNOPSIS: Discussing Varroa Mite Dynamics: Baselining Varroa Mite population dynamics, establishing switchover, drones harboring mites, Drones taking one for the team, Treatment Windows Rationale, The perfect storm Link | SBGMI Presents: “Why don’t we sample drones?” with…
Managed Mentoring Dedicated to Getting Started in Beekeeping Visit our website for becoming a competent beekeeper. Hi everyone. This is Kevin….I am currently building a resource to help new beekeepers so they do not have to struggle in learning the craft. I have poured years of my teachings into designing a program that covers a…
POSTED JUN 25, 2023LENGTH 1:33:00 EPISODE LINK – CLICK / TAP TO LISTEN Episode #223 – Smokey SYNOPSIS: Treatment Free Update, Smoke Event, Term Rhumb, Queen Excluder Use, Dry Spring, Catch Up, Local Hive Report EPISODE GUIDE Agenda 00:00 – 00:23 | Opening: Opening Music – Huey Lewis and the News 00:23 – 03:52 |…
This was a presentation provided to the Essex County Beekeepers Association on how to make Mead. Thanks to ECBS for allowing us to present this and Bob Kloss for helping present the topic.