POSTED Mar 7, 2016
LENGTH 1:08:52 |
Local Hive Report, Mite Biting Bees, Cloake Boards, Honeymoon, Cathedral Hive, Dartington Hive, Slovenia Hives, Honey and Health
- 00:00 – 00:20 | Opening: Opening Music – Huey Lewis and the News
- 00:20 – 03:19 | Welcome and Intro: Welcoming Remarks & Agenda
- 03:19 – 06:59 | Segment “0″: Local Hive Report
- 06:59 – 26:23 | Segment 1: Mite Biting Bees
- 26:23 – 38:43 | Segment 2: Cloake Board Method
- 38:43 – 42:37 | Roundtable 1: Origin of Honeymoon
- 42:37 – 44:08 | Roundtable 2: Beekeeping 8500 Years Ago
- 44:08 – 48:36 | Roundtable 3: 90% Hive Loss Report
- 48:36 – 57:36 | Roundtable 4: Cathedral, Dartington, and Slovenia hives
- 57:36 – 61:31 | Roundtable 5: Healthy way to consume Honey
- 61:31 – 68:52 | Closing Comments
- Link | Ankle biter video
- Link | SARE Study on Heartland Bee Breeders Co-Op- Testing for Mite Biting Behavior
- Link | Greg Hunt ABF Talk on Bees that Bite Mites
- Link | Cloake Board Method of Queen Rearing and Banking
- Link | Wikipedia explanation of a Cloake Board
- Link | Where does the term Honeymoon come from?
- Link | Beekeeping may have begun 8,500 years ago
- Link | David Hackenberg Loses 90% of his Hives
- Link | Cathedral Hive
- Link | What is a Darting Hive?
- Link | Darting Hive for Sale
- Link | Slovania Style Hive
- Link | The antibacterial properties of honey are poorly manifested upon consumption