POSTED Feb 14, 2016
LENGTH 84:55 | 
Local Hive Report, Killing Varroa with Heat, Wax Pastes, Meeting Recaps, Swarm Frequency, Overnight Oatmeal, Bait hives, ZomBeeWatch, Bee Cage
- 00:00 – 00:20 | Opening: Opening Music – Huey Lewis and the News
- 00:20 – 02:30 | Welcome and Intro: Welcoming Remarks & Agenda
- 02:30 – 07:14 | Segment “0″: Local Hive Report
- 07:14 – 23:50 | Segment 1: Killing Varroa with Heat
- 23:50 – 36:01 | Segment 2: Wax Hacks
- 36:01 – 60:21 | Segment 3: Meeting Recap
- 60:21 – 64:12 | Roundtable 1: Swarm Frequency
- 64:12 – 68:59 | Roundtable 2: Overnight Oatmeal
- 68:59 – 70:22 | Roundtable 3: Intermediate Training Course
- 70:22 – 76:50 | Roundtable 4: Bait Hives
- 76:50 – 78:54 | Roundtable 5: ZomBeeWatch
- 78:54 – 82:12 | Bee Cage
- 82:12 – 84:55 | Closing Comments
- Link| Hivet Varroa Terminator
- Link | Heating Adult Honey Bees to Remove Varroa Jacobsoni
- Link | Varroa Controller
- Link | Thermosolar Hive
- Link| Wax Hacks Inspiration
- Link| NJ Swarm Frequency Grid
- Link| Overnight Oats – Lemon, Thyme, and Honey
- Link | Homemade Flower Pot Swarm Trap Video
- Link | Swarm Trap Plans
You can hear about Thermosolar hive in Beekeepers corner podcast in section Killing Varroa with Heat.