Episode 197 – Her-Me-Him

POSTED JUL 04, 2021
LENGTH 1:30:00


Episode #197 – Her-Me-Him


Local Hive Report, Honey Jelly, Strawberry Preserve, Ethanol cleans propolis, Bee Influencers, Honeybee Locomotion on water, Supreme hives, PBW for Glassware, Queen Rearing



00:00 – 00:23 | Opening: Opening Music – Huey Lewis and the News

00:23 – 02:39 | Welcome and Intro: Welcoming Remarks & Agenda

02:39 – 12:39 | Roundtable 1: Honey Jelly & Strawberry Preserves (made with honey)

12:39 – 16:14 | Roundtable 2: Ethanol based hand cleaner for cleaning propolis

16:14 – 22:18 | Roundtable 3: Bee Influencers – pros and cons

22:18 – 24:43 | Roundtable 4: Honeybee Locomotion on Water

24:43 – 28:14 | Roundtable 5: Supreme Hive and Mites

28:14 – 34:27 | Roundtable 6: PBW for cleaning Glassware

34:27 – 59:32 | Topic 1: Queen Rearing

59:32 – 74:45 | Local Hive Report

74:45 – 90:00 | Closing Comments


Link |  Honey bees use their wings for water surface locomotion

Link |  Beezerk Belt – Betterbee listing

Link |  South African worker honeybees reproduce by making near-perfect clones of themselves (phys.org)

Honey Jelly Recipe

3 cups honey

1 cup water

1 (3oz) pouch pectin (liquid) (3/8ths cup / 6 tablespoons)

1.             Add the honey and water to a pot and bring it to a boil that you cannot stir down.

2.            Once to a boil, stir in the pectin and continue to stir for one minute.

3.            Pour the mixture into sterilized canning jars and seal with new covers and sterilized lid rings.

4.            Place the jars back in a water bath and process for 10 minutes*.

5.            Remove from the canning bath and cool on the counter. The jelly will likely set quickly, but it is possible that it will take some time (overnight at minimum).