In the past I have shared my hive inspection form with others in the event that you will find it useful. Recently I revised the form (I do that on occassion) and updated it with more user friendly features and updated information.
I spent some time revising the second page that lets you capture full detail of a colony by building a new easier to use form. I know that some have gotten used to the old format and would probably wish to keep things the same so in the form you will find the new revised detail form and the old one in case you wished to print that off and keep using it.
Form Design
If you are not familiar with the form, you might look at it on first blush and think – hmm, that looks too busy or complicated. I would implore you to take a moment and look at it closer as you can complete an inspection record in a matter of minutes if you get familiar with the design and what it is asking for.
Everything is designed to be a checkbox and I personally use a highlighter to tick off the boxes.
I created a new ‘font’ that employs boxes around letters and symbols to make the form even more checkbox friendly. It was a bit tedious to build the double character boxes, but once I figured it out it all came together and the second form looks cleaner and is easier to roll through using boxes instead of the old form free-form’ letters as indicators (at least I think so).
The form is linked to from the home page (right column part way down). Right click and save it to your computer.
After years of use I have not be able to find anything that is missing for me but if you come upon a good suggestion please share > write me at
This is a direct link to the 2020 form on the website:
Form images for preview are below.
Note: The form may vary from these images. I sometimes update the form with new content or features or tweak mistakes that I find. My latest form will always be available from the PDF link on the home page.