Local Hive Report – Episode 155
This is a video version of the local hive report I spoke of in episode 155. Shot a short clip of it while out in the yard. Kind of puts pictures to words.
This is a video version of the local hive report I spoke of in episode 155. Shot a short clip of it while out in the yard. Kind of puts pictures to words.
POSTED MAY 12, 2019 LENGTH 1:07:00 EPISODE LINK – CLICK / TAP TO LISTEN SYNOPSIS: Local Hive Report, Queen Rearing Course, Swarm Season, Puddle swarm, Supercedure Cells, Temp Queen, Mating Nucs, Social Immunity EPISODE GUIDE Agenda 00:00 – 00:23 | Opening: Opening Music – Huey Lewis and the News 00:23 – 03:39 | Welcome and…